About me

Nolbert Muhumuza

I am a Social Entrepreneur, a Rotarian, a Hepatitis activist, a Mentor and I have previously served as a Kids’ football (soccer) coach. I am a Ugandan from the Banyoro tribe; though I was born and raised in Fort Portal in a family of six children. After I lost my father in 1994, I moved to live with my God Father Mr. Joseph Lubega in Mubende town at the age of twelve. In the two years I stayed with this lovely family, I was educated, supported, and trained to be the person I am today. I indeed have many fond memories of my time there including my primary school days. I left to start my secondary education at St. Leo’s College Kyegobe in 1996.

I am a Founder & CEO of Awamu Biomass Energy, a social enterprise that aims at reducing burdens experienced by women and girls while preparing meals for their households through innovative clean cooking products. I am also a Founder of Giving Hope Foundation; an NGO I set up in 2010 with a mission of building thriving communities where economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and emotional well-being are balanced to the long term benefit of all.

I have served as the Chairperson of the Biomass Energy Efficiency Technologies Association (BEETA), a National Executive Committee member for the Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC), the General Secretary to the Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA), as well as a board member for Latek, Say Alliance Uganda.

I am married to a wonderful woman, who inspires me, lifts me up, motivates me, and supports me unbelievably in my daily life. I could never have asked for any other woman in my life!

  • I am a Christian.
  • I have enjoy playing and/or watching various sports including Football, F1, Boxing, Tennis (Lawn & Table), Swimming and Chess.
  • I am an animal lover, I enjoy bird watching, volunteering, and serving humanity.

I have a passion for youth mentoring and sustainable development with special interest in rural communities in East Africa. 

My personal goal is to  mentor 100 youths; to help them live socially and economically upright lives.

I have had the opportunity to speak at local youth gatherings, at professional networks, and at local and international conferences. I have spoken about various topics including relationships, parenting, renewable energy, service, volunteerism, youth empowerment and my personal story (motivational talks). Here are some of the presentations I have made along the way;

  • Panel Discussions: Why Energy Matters (EnDev Summer Academy | August 2018) PDF 1.9 MB
  • Awamu Pitch Deck (WWF Impact Ventures, Switzerland | November 2017) PDF 1.5 MB
  • Chairman’s Report: BEETA (Imperial Royale Hotel | October 2017) PDF 1.2 MB
  • Self Regulation of Cookstove Manufacturers through Association (Grand Imperial Hotel | September 2017) PDF 465 Kb
  • Market for Solid Bioenergy in Uganda (Webinar | April 2017) PDF 2 MB
  • Onsite Production & Use of Bioenergy in Uganda (European Biomass Conference, Austria | January 2017) PDF 2.1 MB
  • Member Services Committee (UNACC Annual General Meeting | September 2016) PDF 1.2 MB
  • Basic Survival Skills (Rotaract Club of Mulago | September 2017) PDF 710 Kb
  • Strengthening the Cookstove Sector (UNACC Baraza | September 2017) PDF 1.7 MB
  • Chairman’s Report: BEETA (SEESA House | November 2016) PDF 660 Kb
  • Jumuiya Wamu (IDDS Cookstoves | August 2016) PDF 1.8 MB
  • Biomass Dialogue: the Biomass Association (Fairway Hotel | March 2016) PDF 360 Kb
  • Biofuels Technical Working Group (Biomass Energy Efficient Technologies Association | January 2016) PDF 900 Kb
  • About BEETA (UNACC Baraza | August 2015) PDF 1 MB
  • Strategic Plan – 2015/16 (BEETA AGM | November 2014) PDF 650 Kb
  • Our Journey so far: Awamu Biomass Energy (Norges Vel | September 2014) PDF 1 MB

Like they say, Entrepreneurship can be and IS a lonely journey. These business development programs helped shape my business journey.

This list took me almost two months to complete but I had it in my mind for over Seven years. It was quite exciting to finally come up with this many things about myself. I don’t know if they’re interesting or not.

Here we go…

  1. I was born on Tuesday, June 15 1982 and grew up in Fort Portal, except ages 4-7, when my parents lived in Hoima town, Uganda.
  2. My parents have never explained to me why they named me Nolbert (many people still think am called Norbert).
  3. My only (younger) brother is called Gilbert.
  4. I like to learn obscure/odd facts about people, places and things.
  5. I have been shaving my own hair since 2012.
  6. I dream of mentoring 100 youths (mainly boys) from all over the world.
  7. I define love in terms of actions, because if I define it in terms of feelings, it seems either absent or harmful.
  8. My worst vice is probably my eating habits. I eat food really slow all the time.
  9. I have four sisters and one brother.
  10. Meeting new people is something I always look forward to doing.
  11. I have visited 4 (four)  countries on three different continents that I never spent a night in (India, France, Sweden & DR Congo).
  12. I prefer tea over coffee.
  13. I studied Enthnobotany at University before studying Computer Science.
  14. The most used app on my phone is Opera Mini.
  15. My favorite movies are; Rango, The gods must be Crazy and The Family Guy (series).
  16. I don’t enjoy using/ owning a mobile phone (though its inevitable).
  17. I hate all those ceremonies, parties, rituals, etc. unless you do it for yourself and not to show-off or to please others.
  18. I played squash, cricket, volleyball, Karate and lawn tennis in high school.
  19. I wish I was a ninja.
  20. Am just 175 cm short. I’ve  had the same body weight since 2007.
  21. I can shake nose, ear and raise one eyebrow at the same time.
  22. I dream of living on an animal farm in my later years.
  23. If I like you then you can’t annoy me easily.
  24. I take the ‘R’ and ‘L’ on my headphones very seriously.
  25. I don’t own a Television.
  26. I always imagine myself flying from a high tower. (I will probably do sky diving one day to compensate this).
  27. I read online newspapers and I scan almost 50 blogs daily.
  28. Am more a night person than morning.
  29. I have been to 21 countries on earth;  I hope to visit all the 53 countries of Africa.
  30. I have hundreds of songs on my computer but I RARELY listen to any.
  31. I eat anything whose back faces the sky (organic of course)!
  32. I rarely (very very rarely) get bored.
  33. I can count the number of deep friends that I have.
  34. I can’t play any music instrument, but I have played Percussion at two live concerts (small ones).
  35. I collect coins (and paper money).
  36. I never stop Googling things.
  37. I do what I love to do and I do it obsessively.
  38. I like having new experiences. It doesn’t really matter if they’re good or bad.
  39. I practiced magic (I call it illusion) for 3 years.
  40. I’m ready to get married now.
  41. Dare I dream? Yes I do. My dreams sometimes scare me!
  42. Sneakers, Jeans and T-shirts are my thing.
  43. I dream of meeting Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  44. I am crazy about sun rise and sun set.
  45. I believe luck plays only at 5% in human life.
  46. When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it.
  47. I eat Monkey and Dog within my one-day visit to DR Congo.
  48. I rarely say “Sorry” but I mean it when I say it.
  49. I played under rain (naked) as a child.
  50. I can get along with almost anyone if I put my mind to it.
  51. I took German classes until A2.2.
  52. There are times when I’m so engrossed in an activity that eating or sleeping are chores. The activity often involves computers.
  53. I love talking about relationships and social entrepreneurship.
  54. I have read a handful of books in my life.
  55. I also love to organize my desktop or mobile home screens.
  56. I have never smoked a cigarette.
  57. The last time I cooked something was some 13 years back.
  58. Some people think am a geek. Some call me crazy. Some call me shy. And some people even call me smart.
  59. I am a big fan of Logos and branding.
  60. I don’t enjoy writing with pen and paper.

There you are! 60 random things about me!

I have been fortunate to be featured in local and international media mainly through my work with green energy in Uganda.